Voilà l'été, Chantier 109, Nice France

Unreal Bonfires / Ljubjana, Slovenia

Voilà l'été, Chantier 109, Nice France
Landstrength est une installation créée en 2020 composée d’un moniteur vidéo et d’une tente de camping aux couleurs militaires recouverte de filets de camouflages. Ces filets peuvent être suspendus en fonction de l’espace accueillant le dispositif. L’écran situé à l’intérieur de la tente diffuse ma vidéo «Landstrength».
Landstrength est composée d’une succession de trois courtes animations réalisées à partir de dessins à l’aquarelle et de photographies d’environnements naturels recomposés. L’ensemble montre des paysages «puissants », des arbres «musclés» ou encore des massifs montagneux « guerriers ».
Dans cette vidéo le monde végétal est bodybuildé, prêt à combattre ou à s’exhiber. J’utilise le culte du corps et la pratique intensive de la musculation comme un matériau et un langage.
Je m’inspire de la manière dont certains individus mettent parfois en scène leur corps face à un miroir ou encore sur les réseaux sociaux.
Je cherche à mettre en relation cette conception radicale de l’être qui oscille entre hygiène de vie parfaite et un mode d’existence intimidant avec la problématique contemporaine de la préservation de la biodiversité.
Je m’inspire de la manière dont certains individus mettent parfois en scène leur corps face à un miroir ou encore sur les réseaux sociaux.
Je cherche à mettre en relation cette conception radicale de l’être qui oscille entre hygiène de vie parfaite et un mode d’existence intimidant avec la problématique contemporaine de la préservation de la biodiversité.
Landstrength is an installation created in 2020, composed by a video monitor and a camping tent wearing camo colors covered by camo nets. Those camo nets can be hanged depending the space hosting the installation. Inside the tent, the screen is looping the audio-visual piece Landstrength (2019).
Landstrength, is composed of a succession of three short animations made from watercolor drawings and photographs of natural environments found on the internet. The whole shows "powerful" landscapes, "muscular" trees or "warlike" mountain massifs.
In this installation the plant world is bodybuilt, ready to fight or to show off. Griffaud uses the cult of the body and the intensive practice of bodybuilding as a material and a language.
Griffaud is inspired by the way some individuals sometimes stage their bodies in front of a mirror or on social networks.
He tries to relate this radical conception of being, which oscillates between a perfect lifestyle and an intimidating way of life, to the contemporary problem of preserving biodiversity.
In this installation the plant world is bodybuilt, ready to fight or to show off. Griffaud uses the cult of the body and the intensive practice of bodybuilding as a material and a language.
Griffaud is inspired by the way some individuals sometimes stage their bodies in front of a mirror or on social networks.
He tries to relate this radical conception of being, which oscillates between a perfect lifestyle and an intimidating way of life, to the contemporary problem of preserving biodiversity.
•Rainforest World Music Festival, Seni Kita, Kuching, Malaysia.
2023• QRC.PRJCT, Athens, GR
• AniMate, Australia Animation Film Festival, AU
• NYAFA, New York Animation fim award, NY, USA.
• AniMate, Australia Animation Film Festival, AU
• NYAFA, New York Animation fim award, NY, USA.
•Paadman Video Event, Tehran, Iran.
• 33th Girona Film Festival, Girona, Spain.
• Migration & environment film festival, online, Canada.
• Under The Subway - New-York
• The International Film Festival with Alternative Media, Mexico City.
• 9th International Video Poetry Festival, Athens, Greece.
• Kwalhia Festival, Nuevo Léon, Mexico.
• International Moving Film Festival, Abadan & khoramshahr, Iran SEMI FINALIST
• Text on NNT6PL by Robert Sochacki
• Bomba Gallery Video Club, Moscow, Russia.
• Wet Dove Tail, Online Exhibition, London, UK.
• Marrakech Short Film Festival 2021, Marakech, Morocco.
• Under The Subway - New-York
• The Art Color Digital Cinema International Film Festival, Brussells, Belgium.
• UNCG Sustainability Shorts Film Competition, Greensboro, NC USA.
• Tune it to Green - Exhibition three, online exhibition.
• 33th Girona Film Festival, Girona, Spain.
• Migration & environment film festival, online, Canada.
• Under The Subway - New-York
• The International Film Festival with Alternative Media, Mexico City.
• 9th International Video Poetry Festival, Athens, Greece.
• Kwalhia Festival, Nuevo Léon, Mexico.
• International Moving Film Festival, Abadan & khoramshahr, Iran SEMI FINALIST
• Text on NNT6PL by Robert Sochacki
• Bomba Gallery Video Club, Moscow, Russia.
• Wet Dove Tail, Online Exhibition, London, UK.
• Marrakech Short Film Festival 2021, Marakech, Morocco.
• Under The Subway - New-York
• The Art Color Digital Cinema International Film Festival, Brussells, Belgium.
• UNCG Sustainability Shorts Film Competition, Greensboro, NC USA.
• Tune it to Green - Exhibition three, online exhibition.
•Interrobang Film Festival, Des Moines, USA.
• Unreal Bonfires / ON Public Gallery x Svetlobna Guerilla programme in Lubljana
• Soundstripes 5, The Abbeydale Picture House, Sheffield, UK.
• Small File Media Festival - Programming 2021
• Dioramaroom
• Essence Absence, Online Exhibition.
• Unreal Bonfires / ON Public Gallery x Svetlobna Guerilla programme in Lubljana
• Soundstripes 5, The Abbeydale Picture House, Sheffield, UK.
• Small File Media Festival - Programming 2021
• Dioramaroom
• Essence Absence, Online Exhibition.
•Micro Acts, december, London, UK.
• Mr Holehead"s warped dimension, San Francisco, USA
• Super Art Modern Museum - Online Museum
• Alvsbyn Film Festival, Alvsbyn, Sweden
• Video Art festival Turku, Turku, Finland.
• Voilà L'été, un éclairage public pas comme les autres, Le 109, Nice, France.
• thefilmcontest
• Short to the pointt
• Strangelove Time-based Media Festival, Folkestone, UK.
• Bizarre Bazaar, Titusville, FL, USA
• 7 Seconds International Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• Unknown Film Festival 2020, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
• Seek The Sun 2020, Woippy, France.
• A60 Contemporary Art Space Milan, La Vitta Del Arte. Milano, Italy.
• Murze Magazine, London, UK.
• Living Window, Philadelphia, USA.
• Mr Holehead"s warped dimension, San Francisco, USA
• Super Art Modern Museum - Online Museum
• Alvsbyn Film Festival, Alvsbyn, Sweden
• Video Art festival Turku, Turku, Finland.
• Voilà L'été, un éclairage public pas comme les autres, Le 109, Nice, France.
• thefilmcontest
• Short to the pointt
• Strangelove Time-based Media Festival, Folkestone, UK.
• Bizarre Bazaar, Titusville, FL, USA
• 7 Seconds International Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• Unknown Film Festival 2020, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
• Seek The Sun 2020, Woippy, France.
• A60 Contemporary Art Space Milan, La Vitta Del Arte. Milano, Italy.
• Murze Magazine, London, UK.
• Living Window, Philadelphia, USA.
• Miller’s Grove Public Access, Nashville, TN, USA.
• https://www.thefilmcontest.com/
• Rolling Ideas 2020, Official Selection, Tirgu Mures, Romania
• Delete TV 2020, Streamed on a national austrian TV channel.
• 50 inch Cinema Project, Oped Space, Tokyo, Japan
• On gallery, Curated by Morawiec & Sochacki, Sopot, Poland
• Rolling Ideas 2020, Official Selection, Tirgu Mures, Romania
• Delete TV 2020, Streamed on a national austrian TV channel.
• 50 inch Cinema Project, Oped Space, Tokyo, Japan
• On gallery, Curated by Morawiec & Sochacki, Sopot, Poland
• KnackKnack, Shaun Project Space, Sunderland UK
• BIG or BIGGGEST, at Frederiksberg Bibliotek, Copenhagen, Denmark
• OVNi Festival 2019, Hôtel Splendid, Nice, France
• Bucolique ou presque, Démarche Des Marches, Frac Paca, Hôtel Windsor, Nice,France.