Appropriation est une vidéo d’animation constituée d’une succession de tableaux animés.
Ils confrontent le romantisme véhiculé par l’image de Ian Curtis, chanteur iconique du groupe culte des années 80 : Joy Division à celle de ses produits dérivés et/ou de leur marketing. J’ai ainsi détourné l’univers pessimiste de Joy Division pour récréer une ambiance sensiblement différente et édulcorée.
Les modèles arborant la pochette de leur album Unknown Pleasures de Joy division proviennent de divers sites internet de vente en ligne de t-shirts.
Appropriation is an animated video consisting of a succession of animated scenes.
They confront the romanticism conveyed by the image of Ian Curtis, iconic singer of the cult band of the 80s: Joy Division, with that of its derivative products and/or their marketing.
They confront the romanticism conveyed by the image of Ian Curtis, iconic singer of the cult band of the 80s: Joy Division, with that of its derivative products and/or their marketing.
The pessimistic universe of Joy Division has been diverted to recreate a significantly different and sweetened atmosphere.
The models with the cover of their album Unknown Pleasures of Joy Division come from various websites selling t-shirts online.
The models with the cover of their album Unknown Pleasures of Joy Division come from various websites selling t-shirts online.
Shows / screenings
•10th edition of Cairo Video Festival, Egypt.
• RCD 2020 - Roma Cinema Doc
• Splice Film Fest, New-York, USA.
• Small File Media Festival.
• Aurora Film Festival Off, San Potito Sannitico, Italy.
•Ian Curtis Likes This Place, Maison Abandonnée, Nice, France (2019).
•Ian Curtis Likes This Place, Maison Abandonnée, Nice, France (2019).

Appropriation, Screenshot, Copyright Jérémy Griffaud 2019

Appropriation, Screenshot, Copyright Jérémy Griffaud 2019